Reduced consumption of plastics and plastics circularity

Key information about the call
- Funding available: Up to NOK 75 million
- Project duration: Up to 2 years
- Co-financing requirements: At least 50% of the total project costs
- One-step application process: applicants only need to submit a full application
About this call for applications
The aim of this call is to fund projects that contribute to reducing the volume of plastics by increasing the lifespan of plastics products and packaging, primarily through improved design and new business models that include repair and reuse. The call is specifically directed towards the sectors of packaging, textiles, fisheries and aquaculture, in addition to building and construction in Norway. Within this scope, projects outside of Norway can also apply for funding, provided that the solution or knowledge helps transition the Norwegian plastics system from linear to circular.
All types of companies can apply. Projects that meet the following criteria will be prioritised:
- The project considers the entire value chain, by including relevant project partners and documentation of expertise within critical success factors
- The amount of plastics addressed in the project is substantial enough for the solution to be financially viable, in addition to having a significant environmental impact
- Projects with involving problem owners
The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund cannot provide grants to its members. This means that members cannot be an applicant, however members can participate as project partners, provided the project's results are made openly available to both members and non-members.
This autumn’s call is a one-step application process (without the need for a prequalification application), where applicants have six weeks to submit a full application.
Important dates
2nd of September
Announcement of this call for applications
11th of October
11th of October at 16:00 (CEST): Deadline for full applications
By 10th of December
Notification of the decision (approval/rejection)
Building and construction
The use of plastic products in the building and construction sector has increased dramatically in recent decades, and is currently the second-largest end-use market for plastics in Norway. As a result, a significant amount of plastics has accumulated in Norwegian buildings and infrastructure, which in the coming years will create large and unpredictable waves of plastics waste that, in the worst case, will be incinerated. The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund wants to help ensure that this waste becomes part of the circular plastics economy, and to reduce plastic use in the sector going forward.
Eligible projects needs to address:
- Extending the lifespan of products made from plastics, e.g., through reuse and/or repair
- Smart design that allows for less plastic use
- Increased source separation of plastic waste in the construction industry to ensure segregated material flows
- New facilities for sorting and material recycling of plastic from this sector
The EU Parliament is expected to adopt the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) in November, replacing the current directive (PPWD). The goals of the regulation will require a rapid shift to reuse and use of recycled plastics in new packaging, including for food-contact products. The majority of packaging must be part of different reuse systems. For single-use packaging, closed-loop recycling systems should be developed so that recycled plastics can be reused for the same purpose.
The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund aims to prioritise projects that develop solutions and knowledge that help transition the Norwegian plastics system to meet the upcoming goals and requirements of the regulation.
Eligible projects need to address:
1) Reuse solutions
- Refill in stores, both for food and non-food products such as soap and cleaning agents.
- Home delivery of products in reusable packaging, with pickup (return) of empty packaging
- Reuse solutions for takeaway packaging for both food and beverage
- Reuse solutions for transport packaging, including distribution packaging (d-pack).
Reusable packaging must have fit for purpose design that enables as many rotations as possible that meets safety, quality, and hygiene requirements when the packaging is filled, emptied, cleaned, and reused. Projects that contribute to developing solutions that work across brands will be prioritised.
2) Closed-loop recycling
Projects that contribute to holistic solutions for recycling in a closed-loop of both food and non-food. Closed-loop recycling must enable the use of recycled plastics for the same or similar purposes. Solutions must address the entire value chain, i.e., packaging design (specification of plastic packaging for a product group that can be recycled in a closed-loop), collection, fine sorting, and recycling.
Fisheries and aquaculture
Plastic is a suitable material for equipment in fisheries and aquaculture, and is used in large quantities. However, this use of plastics has known negative environmental consequences, including as a significant source of plastic pollution in Norway. The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund wants to contribute to reducing plastic use in these industries through smarter designs that require less plastic or extend the lifespan of plastic products.
Eligible projects needs to address:
1) Extending the lifespan of products made from plastics due to:
- Reuse and/or repair
- Designing and using equipment in ways that cause less wear and tear
2) Smart design of new equipment that allows for less plastics use.
Textiles contain, on average, more than 50% plastics. The EU’s goal for textiles is to ensure that all products on the market are durable, repairable, recyclable, free from hazardous chemicals, and produced in a socially and environmentally responsible way. “Fast fashion” is to be phased out in favour of textiles of high quality with a fair price, where profitable reuse and repair services are widely available.
The Norwegian value chain for textiles is far from this goal, and there is a need for a major transformation of both business models and consumer habits. The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund wants to contribute to this transformation.
Eligible projects need to address:
Reducing the use of plastics through knowledge and solutions that reduce the need to produce new textiles:
- Projects that extend the lifespan of textiles, especially workwear
- Repair services: The applicant must substantiate that a grant will contribute to a significant volume of textiles being repaired
- Solutions that encourage fewer collections per year through better design and smarter consumer solutions.
- Projects that help the retailers gain increased knowledge about the environmental impact of replacing plastics with other materials in textiles.
It is not possible to apply for
- Projects that do not meet the call’s priorities.
- Projects where the applicants have ongoing projects supported by the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund that submit a final report later than the application deadline of October 11th 2024.
- Operation: Development and testing of solutions and technology can be supported, but not the operation of the solution once it is fully developed.
- Measures and activities that have been carried out before the date of any potential grant allocation."
Application requirements
- Private and public enterprises registered in the Brønnøysund Register Centre or an equivalent international body, such as Company "Registration Number (CRN), business number or equivalent, to verify the existence of your organisation
- Organisation and contact persons must be registered in the project portal
- Applicants must submit an electronic application through the project portal
- Project accounting
- Guidelines for hourly rates for personnel must be followed
- Auditing, including Guide to project accounting and auditing
- Applicants must provide realistic budgets and specify how the funds will be used
- Applications must be written in Norwegian or English
- Co-financing requirements: At least 50% of the total project costs
- Co-financing includes self-financing, self-funded work, private investors, and public or private funding from other sources
- It is viewed favourably if the applicant also contributes to the project financially, as opposed to solely relying on external funding
- Any previous agreements with the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund must have been honoured.
- If at least one of the points below applies to the project, the application form requires the applicant to answer additional questions:
- The application amount exceeds NOK 5 million.
- The country is listed in the EU Sanctions Map. Funding cannot be applied for projects in countries listed on the EU/UN sanctions list, unless it can be documented through an extended self-declaration that project funds, for example, do not go to sanctioned persons.
- The country is mentioned in the Norwegian authorities' table 'Sanctions and restrictive measures'.
- The country has a lower score than 40 in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index.
Reporting and accounting
- Before the second and subsequent payments, the recipient must submit a status report for the project when requesting the disbursement of funds.
- Multi-year projects: the recipient must submit a written annual report for the project each year.
- All projects must submit a final report for the project.
- All reports must be submitted electronically in the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund’s project portal. This will be explained in the startup meeting.
Guide to project accounting and auditing.
Project accounting and auditing
- All projects must prepare final project accounts for the entire project period as part of the final report.
- For grants from NOK 350,000 up to and including NOK 1,000,000, a statement must also be provided by a state-authorised auditor with “Agreed-upon procedures” in accordance with ISRS 4400 Agreed-upon procedures.
- For grants exceeding NOK 1,000,000, a statement must also be provided by a state-authorised auditor with an audit of the project accounts in accordance with ISA 805 (Revised), Special considerations – audits of single financial statements and specific elements, accounts or items of a financial statement.
Costs associated with the use of an auditor are incurred by the project, and must be included in the budget when relevant.
Grants and VAT
- Funding from the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund can be used as self-funding in connection with applications submitted to other funding schemes.
- The grant includes any taxes, including value added tax (VAT). The grant is awarded as a gift.
- Although the Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund considers that the grants awarded as gifts that are not normally subject to VAT, it is the service provider (i.e. the recipient) who is responsible for complying with their VAT regulations. The recipient must assess this on an independent basis. The Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund cannot be invoiced or otherwise charged for additional costs in cases where the recipient has misinterpreted the VAT regulations.
- The applicant must clarify with its auditor whether an allocation will be subject to VAT or not.
Application processing
The application is treated confidentially
The application process adheres to a strict protocol of impartiality and confidentiality. You can read these declarations here. Note that the information in the application may be shared confidentially with other funding bodies (such as the Norwegian Environment Agency and the Savings Bank Foundation DNB) as part of the application process if relevant. This is to ensure thorough and efficient processing, as well as the appropriate use of funds.
Selected experts from NREFs Committee of external experts and the Board of Directors may access the application during their evaluation and decision making. In the application form, the applicant can specify names of individuals and businesses they consider to be impartial in the evaluation of their application, and therefore should not have access to the application.
Project evaluation
- Evaluation of prequalification: At least two employees of the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund evaluate the application. Once the administrative decision is made, the applicant receives a response, either a rejection or an invitation to submit a full application.
- Evaluation of full application: At least two employees of the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund evaluate the application. Additionally, external experts are involved as follows:
- Applications up to and including NOK 500,000: An external expert's participation is only initiated based on the administrative team's judgement.
- Applications over NOK 500,000, up to and including NOK 1,000,000: At least one external expert evaluates the application.
- Applications over NOK 1,000 000: At least two external experts evaluate the application.
- If, after the evaluation of the application, there is a need for clarifications, the applicant may be invited to an online meeting
- Decision: The administration of the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund compiles assessments from both its own and external experts, and presents recommended grants to the Board of Directors, that makes the final decision.
Assessment criteria
The application will be assessed according to four assessment criteria, all of which are given equal weight on a scale from 1-7:
- The quality of the project: The quality of the proposed measures, activities and methods. To what extent the proposed work is ambitious and innovative, realistic and well-founded in knowledge and experience.
- Environmental impact: The potential to reduce the negative environmental effects of plastic in the short and long term. To what extent the project can deliver good solutions and results. Plans for the dissemination and sharing of results, knowledge and of the concrete solutions developed in the project.
- Implementation: The quality of the project's organisation, management and resource use. To what extent the project is well-organised with the right expertise in the project team and partners.
- Thematic priorities of the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund: To what extent the project answers to the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund’s thematic priorities.
- For questions regarding eApply: Contant Borghild Storaas at
- For questions regarding this call for applications: Contact Synnøve Fagerhaug Dalen at