NOK 19,5 million awarded to 13 international projects
After a long period of evaulating a total of 85 applications, the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund is now happy to share the good news. A total of 13 projects were notified this week that they will receive grants after this year's call for projects.

Published: 21.December, 2022 Last updated: 29.July, 2024
- It is a great responsibility to manage and distribute our large funds. We use a lot of resources to assess the applications together with external experts. After a thorough process, we are left with the very best applications and I am very satisfied with this year's grantees. These are projects that I am certain will have grand environmental impacts and accelerate the development towards a circular plastics economy, says CEO Cecilie Lind.
These are the awarded projects
This year's call for projects was for NOK 15 million, and was open from 15th of June to 11th of September. The call was aimed for projects that fulfill one or more of the fund's main purposes, which are:
- Prevent and remove plastic pollution
- Improve resource utilisation and increase recycling
- Reduce consumption of plastics, including plastic carrier bags
A total of 13 environmental projects have received the great news that they are receiving grants from the Fund. In total, the Fund distributes NOK 19.5 million, which is 4.5 million NOK more than announced due to very good applications in this year's round. Here is the overview of the projects that have received funding from this year's call for projects.