Do you have an ongoing project or are you applying for funding?
With plastic production doubling in the past two decades, the challenge of plastic pollution in densely populated areas has never been more pressing. In response, local initiatives like Alitab’s Waste Transfer Station in Mbare is stepping up to tackle the issue at community level.
A project led by the Secretariat of the Basel Convention shows that by using innovative methods and working together, countries can tackle the global plastic crisis.
With a population of 1.4 billion, India ranks 15th in the world in terms of plastic pollution. In the Indian state of Kerala, a system for plastic collection has been established through a large women’s cooperative consisting of 40,000 women.
En dag på jobb som strandrydder og isbjørnvakt på Svalbard
Blant hvalross og sjøfugl ryddes tonnevis av søppel i et av Svalbards nordligste naturreservat i disse dager. Les Auduns reisebrev fra Moffen.
A pilot project in the Danish city of Aarhus could revolutionize our approach to packaging products. The project, which is partially funded by the Norwegian Retailers Environmental Fund, aims to make all takeaway packaging in the city reusable.
Strandrydding er ikke bare en viktig miljøinnsats – det kan også være godt for sjelen. I anledning Friluftslivets uke ønsker vi å løfte frem den imponerende innsatsen som friluftsrådene legger ned for både folkehelsa og naturen.
In collaboration with the Dutch company Enviu, the business Alner has established itself in over 600 retail outlets across Jakarta. They are now working to bring even more consumers into what they call a reuse revolution.
On the 20th of September, the world will come together in Tromsø, Norway, for the first-ever World Cleanup Day. This global event, established by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2023, will be celebrated annually to combat the urgent issue of mismanaged waste and pollution and to encourage worldwide participation in voluntary cleanup activities.
De bisto i arbeidet med opprydding etter historiens største uforutsette oljeutslipp, Deepwater Horizon-utblåsningen. I dag bruker de erfaringene fra oljevernberedskap til å rydde den norske kysten for søppel.
I år 2000 ble antropocen foreslått som en egen geologisk tidsalder – menneskets tidsalder. Dette kan være en passende beskrivelse når vi ser plasten som ligger lagvis i vegetasjonen eller er klemt inn blant rullesteinene.
Noen ble snytt for en tur til Cuba, RC-cola og seigmenn. Andre sporet opp flaskeposten til Tore på sporet, og invitert med på et filmprosjekt. Her er historiene om flaksepostene.
Og hva skjer med dem når vi rydder?
Store mengder søppel har funnet veien til strendene over hele Svalbard, og Svalbardrein og havhest er eksempler på arter som blir kraftig berørt av søppelet.
Feiringen av Sankthans har en lang tradisjon i de nordiske landene, helt tilbake til norrøn tid, da det var solens gang og ikke fødselsdagen til døperen Johannes man feiret.
Heftige vannblemmer etter møte med kjempebjørnekjeks og strandkvann. Harepest i kontakt med død vånd. 16 måneder med udiagnostisert borrelia. Allergisk reaksjon etter å ha blitt bitt av maur. Det er ikke bare bare å være strandrydder.
Villfyllinger og private fyllinger - hvorfor klarer vi fremdeles ikke å kaste søpla på riktig sted, og hvorfor er det så vanskelig å fjerne dem?
De jobber turnus. Planlegger ryddearbeid. Tar vare på frivillige. Navigerer. Skipperne er ryggraden i In The Same Boat.
Er Agder Norges minst forsøplede kyst, eller er det bare der plasten er minst?
Det er noe snodig med den marine plasten på Sørlandet. Bli med på en søppelbefaring på palmekysten av Norge med ryddeaktøren i Agder, Natur Norge.
Hvor vanskelig er det å rydde den nordligste kysten på fastlands-Norge?
Hva skiller de frivillige fra de profesjonelle strandrydderne? Kan profesjonalisering skape mindre mindre miljøengasjement blant folk flest?
200.000 tonn ammunisjon ble dumpet i norske farvann etter krigen. Strandryddere finner jevnlig farlige gjenstander langs kysten vår
Mandag 15. april starter ferdselsforbudet i sjøfuglreservatene våre, men er egentlig fuglene så opptatt av datoer og geografisk avgrensede områder?
Her kommer noe tekst
Today, 139 projects received positive news from the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund. Grants to various initiatives have been awarded, including creating reusable fish crates and inspiring youth to find futureproof plastic solutions.
After a long period of evaulating a total of 85 applications, the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund is now happy to share the good news. A total of 13 projects were notified this week that they will receive grants after this year's call for projects.
12 projects made the cut and will receive a grant from this year's call for projects totalling NOK 20 million.
Plastsimulator is a tool that allows leaders understand the economic, environmental, and social implications of different possible plastic futures in Norway. By moving 18 key system levers, stakeholders can create their own custom scenario and explore the impacts and trade-offs of taking different actions.
The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund has awarded the largest grant in the fund’s history. A total of NOK 105 million are awarded to 123 environmental projects, of which over NOK 22 million are awarded to 9 international projects. Countries with major plastic pollution challenges and limited resources have been prioritized.
For more than two years, Norwegian consumers have paid a small extra sum of NOK 0.50 for each plastic bag they buy, and thereby made the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund the biggest private environmental fund in Norway. The fund supports work that helps to solve environmental problems caused by plastics, and has already granted more than NOK 260 million for various cleanup, innovation and research projects. Today, the fund is advertising grants of NOK 100 million for new ideas and projects.
Latest news from Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund
The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund is awarding 2.5 million Norwegian kroner (NOK), equaling USD$233,000, to Hawaiʻi Pacific University’s Center for Marine Debris Research to remove derelict fishing gear from Hawaii’s coral reefs and study the source fisheries.
This Privacy Statement describes how the Norwegian Retailers Environment Fund ("company", "us", "we", or "our") collects and uses personal information. The goal is to provide you with overall information about our processing of personal data.
The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund has awarded NOK 20 million to reduce plastic pollution around the world. During the announcement between the 15th of October and the 1st of December 2019 the Fund received 133 applications from 6 continents amounting to NOK 263 million.
Noe her
Each year, we call for applications for effective measures aiming to solve the environmental problems of plastic. On this site you will find which announcements are currently open.
Inkludert alle holmer og øyer langs kysten av Fastlands-Norge, utgjør Nordland fylke alene 25,9 prosent av Norges totale kystlinje. Av erfaring vet vi at store mengder marint avfall samler seg per kilometer kystlinje i landsdelen.
I Rogaland ryddes det hele året, ettersom det kun unntaksvis er snø langs den ytre kyst. Til tross for tøffe værforhold er det mye tettbebyggelse langs store deler av Rogalandskysten. Fylket har flere naturreservater med verdifullt dyre-, plante- og fugleliv, samt flere lokasjoner hvor det hekker sårbart fugleliv utenfor reservatene.
Her kommer det noe
Ingress for pressesiden. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud.
We are the retailers’ common effort to solve environmental issues due to plastics. We are also Norway's most important measure in complying with the EU Plastic Bags Directive.
Overvåkingsprogrammet til Rydd i tide ble lansert i 2024 for å utnytte muligheten for datainnsamling gjennom profesjonell opprydding av norskekysten. Ved utgangen av 2024 hadde programmet 85 overvåkingsområder for gjentatt rydding, og det ble samlet data til bruk i forskning fra alle ordinære ryddeaksjoner.
The call targets measures that reduce the amount of plastic waste and contribute to increased recycling in Norway. It is also possible to apply for funding for projects outside Norway, but a clear physical connection (material flow) or transfer value to the Norwegian plastic system is required.
This call is aimed at initiatives that prevent plastic pollution to the sea, waterways and on land. Projects that prevent plastic pollution across the entire value chain, and are implemented in Norway, can apply for funding.
Norwegian plastic use needs to move from primarily linear to circular value chains. Is your organisation able to get us closer to the target of a circular plastics economy? Apply for funding from the Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund.
The Clean-up Norway programme is Norway’s first national cleanup programme. The goal has been to clean 40 percent of the outer coastline of Norway before the end of 2023, and as the first phase is coming to an end, the goal is within reach. The programme will continue from 2024 onwards.
External experts assist the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund when evaluating project applications to identify the best projects. Here you will find an overview of the members of the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund’s Committee.
The guide applies to all projects subject to the ‘The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund’s Special Terms and Conditions for Grants’.
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Knowledge dissemination
Courses and meeting places
Attitude-creating work
Professional cleaning
Voluntary clearing
Semi-professional cleaning
Research and development
Technology & innovation
Concert and festival
Møre og Romsdal
Vestfold og Telemark
Troms og Finnmark